Exercise, health and quality of life: An evolutionary perspective
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Exercise is Medicine-Greece, Athens, Greece
Publication date: 2022-05-27
Public Health Toxicol 2022;2(Supplement Supplement 1):A32
Body movement, as a result of muscular function, has been a key element in human evolution. Thanks to body movement, early humans were able to feed themselves, to protect their young, or to travel to more secure residences. However, to accomplish the aforementioned, humans had also to be healthy. This harmonic co-existence between health and body movement (exercise) is actually known since antiquity, while contemporary science has repeatedly confirmed their association by identifying numerous biological functions which link them. In contrast, we know of no biological mechanism capable of combating the endemic hypo-activity of the industrialised world. Recent reports highlight the need to increase elements of health-related fitness; our urban life-style has negatively affected activity levels and increased cases of morbidity and mortality from infectious and noncommunicable disease.
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