Dietitian as a key professional to facilitate transition towards sustainable food systems
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European Specialist Dietetic Network on Public Health, European Federation of Associations of Dietitians, Spain
Publication date: 2022-05-27
Public Health Toxicol 2022;2(Supplement Supplement 1):A13
Evidence suggests that plant-based diets such as the traditional Mediterranean diet, can benefit both health and the environment when compared to the typical Western diet. However, sustainable diets have been criticized for being unaffordable for many people and for the risk of not meeting the nutritional needs of vulnerable groups. The transition towards healthier and more sustainable dietary patterns should not only pursue a greater presence of fresh and minimally processed foods, but also the reduction of unhealthy foods intake, minimize food waste, increase food literacy, etc. To facilitate this transition, health professionals must be trained in sustainable diets within the complexity of food systems, and local, national and regional authorities should assess the impact of their policies on people’s and the planet’s health. European dietitians can play a crucial role in facilitating this transition. The EFAD’s position paper on Sustainable Dietary Patterns supports the commitment and willingness of European dietitians to promote affordable, nutritious and diversified eating patterns, while being less dependent on limited natural resources. We must leverage the momentum provided by EU policies such as the Farm-to-Fork Strategy which frames the actions that support, facilitate and lead the transition towards healthier and more sustainable food systems.
Food and Agriculture Organization, World Health Organization. SUSTAINABLE HEALTHY DIETS: GUIDING PRINCIPLES. Food and Agriculture Organization, World Health Organization; 2019. Accessed April 28, 2022.
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European Federation of Associations of Dietitians. Sustainable Health Through the Life Span Nutrition as a Smart Investment for Europe. Accessed April 28, 2022.
European Commission. Farm to Fork Strategy for a fair, healthy and environmentally-friendly food system. Accessed April 28, 2022.
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